Rebulid 2

A game by

Rebuild 2 on Armor Games

Rebuild 2 is the eagerly awaited sequel to the top rated post-apocalyptic strategy game Rebuild by Sarah Northway. It features totally revamped art and animation, new buildings, events, plotlines and hidden endings to discover, customizable survivors with skills and equipment, and more.

About Rebuild 2

Rebuild 1 launched in February 2011 on TwoTowersGames and received a 10/10 rating. It was reviewed by JayIsGames (4.7/5 user rating), won the monthly contest on Kongregate (still in their top 10), and has 2 million plays on ArmorGames.

Praise has come in come in from all sides, and the most common question from fans is always "when can I play the sequel?".

I collected hundreds of fan suggestions and features that didn't make it in to the first game, then focused on improving lategame content, survivor uniqueness, and zombie attacks.

The interface also got a complete overhaul, and I teamed up with artist EvilKris to add realistic customizable survivors and rich new animations. I licensed atmospheric music from Bill Gould and Jared Blum and perfected the game with help from a small army of playtesters.

Screenshots of Rebuild 2